beck: n.贝克〔女子名, Rebecca 的昵称〕。n.点头;招手〔以示召唤〕。 be at sb.'s beck and call 惟…之命是从,听命于(某人)。 hang upon sb.'s beck 听从某人差遣[安排]。 have (sb.) at one's beck 随心所欲地使唤(某人),对(某人)颐指意使。vt.,vi.〔古语〕点头[摇头、打手势等]召唤,指使。
Fbi agent roland corvington identified the su ect as sha on beck , who lives a few miles from the home of the mother and baby Fbi特工罗兰?科文顿证实,犯罪嫌疑人叫沙郎?贝克,住在离被绑架的婴儿家几英里的地方。
Toelke said the county prosecutor would addre criminal charges on wednesday . it was not immediately clear where sha on beck was or whether she has a lawyer 托克说,县检察官将在周三提其刑事诉讼。目前还不知道沙朗?贝克在哪里,也不知道她是否有律师。